Trustico® Banking Details

Wire & Domestic Direct Deposit

If you would prefer to pay for your order by wire transfer or direct deposit you may submit your order and then make payment using banking information on this page.

Trustico® Payment Banner Image

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Direct Deposit & Wire Information

Our bank accounts are denominated in multiple currencies and are located at various locations globally.

Once you have made your payment you should Contact Us to advise as your order will be processed manually upon verification of the payment being deposited to our bank account.

Please use your Trustico® order number or business name as a payment reference to ensure our accounts team can locate your order and assign your payment correctly.

It is important to ensure to funds are deposited to the correct bank account. Deposited funds must arrive in our bank account without any currency conversions to avoid additional fees and charges.

Download Banking Details Information Document

Trustico® may at its discretion not accept a payment (or charge a fee) where the sender specifies that Trustico® is responsible for wire or telegraphic transfer fees. Wire and telegraphic transfer fees are the responsibility of the sender.

If you require any assistance with completing your payment please Contact Us for further advice.